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Procedural Safeguards
A brief description of each exceptional program and its eligibility requirements and procedures are available to you. In addition, other procedural safeguards for students with disabilities, including your child's Individual Education Plan (IEP), are provided in English, Spanish, Navajo, Russian, Vietnamese, and Mandarin:
Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities and their Families
Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities and their Families in Navajo
Các biện pháp bảo vệ theo thủ tục giáo dục đặc biệt cho học sinh khuyết tật và gia đình của họ
Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities and their Families in Mandarin
The Office of Special Education OMBUD
Do you have a disability or need help with special ed?
OMBUD can advocate for public school students and their families
OMBUD can provide comprehensive support for people navigating the special education system in NM.
View their flyer
Information on Behavior
Helpful Information
Understood.org- Learn more about 504 and IEP's
Speech to Text Using a Chromebook
Chromebook Help- Hear text read aloud.